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Av: Victor Josefsen Anmeldelser 19. september 2015

Father John Misty med morsom metavideo

Foto: Tommy Østby. Øya 2015 – Father John Misty

Foto: Tommy Østby. Øya 2015 – Father John Misty


Father John Misty har laget en morsom metavideo til låta “The Night Josh Tillman Came To Our Apartment” som er hentet fra «I Love You, Honeybear». Videoen er laget av regissør Drew Pearce (Iron Man 3, Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation) .


Stillbilde, Father John Misty video.

Stillbilde, Father John Misty video


Om videoen sier Tillman: “This video is partially inspired by the LeBron James quote «It is precisely the superficial differences between people who are otherwise alike that inform the hostilities between them.» Special thanks to my body double Tyler who I had to kiss no fewer than two dozen times and whose breath I can still smell in my mind’s eye.”

Regissør Pearce legger til: «It has been an honor to explore the palpable sexual chemistry that exists between Josh Tillman and himself. I hope this video does their enduring love affair justice.»




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